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    Welcome to the CPUN™ Official Website! Founded in 2008, the CPUN™'s early goals were to unite armies of different sizes under a code that strictly encouraged brotherhood and fighting for the truth, in a time of significant discrimination towards small armies and associated bodies.

    The CPUN™'s quest for the truth eventually opened eyes in the Club Penguin Army World, and since then has continued to fight for the rights and well-being of all bodies in the universe.

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I think I’ve gotten you curious by the title, so go ahead and click that read more button 😉

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Events? Yes, events


Ok, so I was looking through the ‘back in the day’ posts and realized how we used to do CPUN vs a large/medium army or so. So I was thinking that it would be a good idea if we could do this once again,  for a number of reasons.

  • Keeping armies active in the CPUN
  • Experiance for smaller armies
  • We’re supposed to be an alliance
  • It’s fun

I think we could get a reasonable turnout of armies, since we have some loyals ones, so what do you guys think? Please even if you’re just gonna scroll down to some other post, PLEASE COMMENT ON WHAT YOU THINK!



NEWS FLASH: ***Two new members, the Lightning Army and the Cobras have joined, so somebody approve the comments and add them to the members list since I cant!

Edit: Good luck in life guys for those who are leaving CP, Rex, Orcaman, Wyosky, 122344a etc. You will be missed!

Ok, Fido here.

I know I shouldn’t be ordering people around as Im just a normal reporter, but somebody has to! (Whoever is the head is the confusing thing) First of all, we hardly have any members. I suggest everyone to go around to small army sites and intrest them in becoming a member of the CPUN. I’m kind of confused about are we a small army alliance, or a normal news site now? But whatever, recruit members! Because all we have now are two loyal members, YF (Yukon Federation) and the Undercover CP army. Oh yeah, maybe one of them could be the featured army?


Alliance vs the ACP: Possibly a World War?

Hey CPUN viewers 😀

As you all know the Light Troops ar at war with the ACP, now this war has been raging for AGEEEESSS now, and heres when the inresting part comes in. The DCP (Doritos) have sided with the ACP in the war against the LT, but the Nachos have declared war once again on the ACP and the Doritos, they say they did this because they have some ‘Unfinished Buissness’ with both ACP, and the DCP. Team Gold and the Dark Warriors also have joined the war, It seems they are mostly targeting DCP. Also, the Global Defenders have joined the war against the ACP and DCP too!

So could this be another World War? Maybe. The Nachos and the GD have launched a full-scale operation on ACP’s prized server, Mammoth. They’ll both be Invading the server.

I interviewed Beeky, a Nacho third in command.


Me: Blue

Beeky: Orange


Me: Hi

Beeky: Hello

Me: What are your opinions on the whole alliance vs the ACP and DCP?

Beeky: I think, that it will be intresting to see how this plays out, whatever happens happens.

Me: Which side do you think will win?

Beeky: I’d hate to be biased, I do belive in a strength of numbers, so I’d say us.

Me: Would you like anything to happen to make this war better?

Beeky: Since a battle hasn’t happend yet, no.

Me: Ty for your time (:

Beeky: Your welcome


So guys, what are your views on this upcoming war? Who do you think will win and take victory? Comment on your thoughts here!



Hola, CPUN.

My name is Fido, and I recently just joined the CPUN. I particulary joined because I really want to help get the CPUN back on it’s feet again. So just a quick introduction to myself, I’m an owner in the Nacho Army of CP and I’m ranked as the Euro Leader. So that’s kinda it 😛 Anyways, this post may seem similar to Peeko’s post but I just thought I should introduce myself :mrgreen:

Moving on to the main topic, which is just the latest news around CP warfare.

Large Armies:

-The Nacho and the ACP war has officially ended by the Nacho leader, Hurricanex1

-The Light Troops continue their neck to neck war with the ACP

-The Shadow Troops on the rise

-The Ice Warriors beat the Ninjas in practice battle


Medium Armies:

-The CP crew are back, and so are the Elites

-Tensions rising in the DCP vs LT war

-The Tacos merge into the Ninjas

-AR and the Shadow Troops start a raging war


Small Armies:

-Blaze Vikings on the rise?

-FGR rests in peace

-The Water Raider leader, Camperjohn64 in hopsital

-The Pringles return


Well thanks for reading and let’s get CPUN back on it’s feet!
