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    Happy New Year 2020!!
    - CPUN Staff

  • About Us

    Welcome to the CPUN™ Official Website! Founded in 2008, the CPUN™'s early goals were to unite armies of different sizes under a code that strictly encouraged brotherhood and fighting for the truth, in a time of significant discrimination towards small armies and associated bodies.

    The CPUN™'s quest for the truth eventually opened eyes in the Club Penguin Army World, and since then has continued to fight for the rights and well-being of all bodies in the universe.

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    View all the members of the CPUN here.
  • The Heads

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Howdy Everyone


My name is MrWyoskyguy, and I’ve been part of armies since 2008. I was part of CPUN for 5 years, and I was acting Head for a majority of those while Dee was gone. While CPUN might not have done the things that it did prior to my leadership, I tried to move the community forward as an army leader and a veteran of the community after CPUN died.

CPUN brought a lot of things to the table, unity, a community of Small and Medium Armies that normally didn’t have a voice in the community. That was all gone when CPUN was suspended. I was a mediocre Head at best, but I took the ideals that I got from Dee and ATM and put them into my leadership style. Even now, 6 years after I suspended CPUN operation and I return to the Club Penguin Armies during quarantine, I see the community in disarray. But that isn’t what this post is about. Honestly, I’m not sure why I felt like I should post something here. I had to sign into an old account to even get here 😂.

I just wanted to say thanks to Dee, ATM, and everyone else who made a lasting impression on a 10 year old kid and inspired him to stick around and move towards a more united community. It means a lot, and I have nothing but respect for the people here.

I’ll try to keep up if people comment here, dunno how often I will sign into this account though.


– MrWyoskyguy


Acknowledged by Know Your Meme

Greetings to all!

Dee here. It has come to my attention that Know Your Meme has an entry on it’s website called “Club Penguin Armies”. It mentions the Club Penguin United Nations a great deal and has been viewed over 10,000 times. I’ll share a link to the article below.

The article basically covers the history of Club Penguin armies – from the Color Wars to the aftermath of Order 67. Note that even though Order 67 marked just the beginning of our organization’s history, the events that transpired were probably some of the most important of all Club Penguin Army History. Here is a snippet of the article detailing the CPUN response to the ANTA decision:

On July 9, 2008, the Nachos, ACP, RPF, UMA, and IW issued Order 67. Order 67 was a declaration of war on small armies by the Nachos, ACP, RPF, UMA, and IW.

The small armies were outraged by their order. Quickly, many small armies began to join the CPUN to unite against the ANTA.

Members of CPUN began discussing what they should do. At first, many members including Mr. Deedledoo wanted to negotiate with them to try to sort everything out peacefully. However, many soon realized that they would have to fight to save the CPUN and their small army, but still some wanted to end this conflict peacefully including Jedimaster17 and Mr. Deedledoo.

A few small unscheduled battles began to occur between some CPUN armies and the ANTA armies. Members such as Ktman, Itachi6dark, Lucario, and Troopx began to unite a CPUN army to fight the ANTA as one big army of about 31 smaller armies.

They launched Operation: Revolution which was a preparation plan for an ANTA scheduled invasion. Each army fighting for CPUN was assigned a room to fight in on the server. Many rooms were assigned two armies. Mr. Deedledoo still supported peace, but also supported what his alliance wanted.

Revisiting this particular moment in time was certainly gratifying. They were scary but exciting times. It could have all gone wrong for us, but it didn’t. What came after were many great years of service and fellowship. I hope you enjoy the read just as much as I did.

Thank you to TheNintendoDude for posting writing this article on Know Your Meme. Thank you for acknowledging our contribution to the community.


Full Post:  https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/subcultures/club-penguin-armies

CPUN Testimonial Post (Preview)

READ: I wanted future generations to see this Testimonial Post when they would come to this site that is pretty much a ruin, but the higher-ups of the corporate establishment that is Disney decided that our race ends here. In fear of losing an audience, I will be publishing the first part of it now. Join me now as I look back at the adventures of the last decade. Enjoy reading, and be sure to savor the last few moments of your life as a penguin.

Greetings. I am Mr Deedledoo. After many years, I have made the decision to publicly retract my position as Head of the Club Penguin United Nations, as with my busy life I can no longer fulfill my duties as a key figure of this establishment. I also am writing this because I want to honor its rich and wonderful history. It was an amazing journey for me and it pleases me to see that Club Penguin Armies are alive and well. Equally pleasing is the  praise this establishment has received from others; to have been a part of an experience so significant to a community is an honor for anybody. Join me now as I reminisce about the good times and the bad times…



Early Beginnings

The Navy

2008. That year seemed like such a long one now that I look back on it. My fondest memories of Club Penguin occurred during this time. I was leading a small army called The Navy when I first founded the Club Penguin United Nations. The Navy was born after I and this other non-member – we were both navy blue penguins who wore construction hats – got into a little fight with some mean sombrero-wearing penguins up in the Dojo (back when it was still the old Dojo). Out of nowhere, the room filled up with dozens of green penguins and they were all throwing snowballs at those poor fellows. I got my first taste of CP warfare on that day and soon after discovered the Army of Club Penguin website through a quick Google Search.

Leading a non-member army was a hopeless case back then. If being a non-member on Club Penguin was hard enough because you wouldn’t be accepted in social circles or you only possessed the lamest of things, you can imagine how hard it was to lead a non-member army. Fortunately for us non-member penguins, WordPress allowed anyone to make a website for free! After I created The Navy’s website I slowly recruited soldiers by advertising on the ACP’s website. Where else? You had to work really hard back then to get people to join your army, especially when it was a non-member one. Most of the soldiers I recruited were leaders of small armies themselves and this is basically how the CPUN started…

A little on the nature of small-armies circa 2008.  The only ways you could get your army known back then was by advertising hours for a day on Club Penguin itself, sneaking an advertisement in on a popular page or post in a major army’s website, or chatting with people in private. Of course, you could get kicked out off your major army if they found out what you were doing and to many, this was the equivalent off being disowned by your parents or losing a job. (Everyone was in a major army before they went and formed their own smaller armies and during that time, there were six major ones to choose from: the Army of Club Penguin, Nachos, Ice Warriors, Underground Mafia Warriors, Rebel Penguin Federation, and the People’s Republic Army). Back then, the major armies weren’t as open to and tolerant of others as they are now. Often times, they would meet new forces to the scene with violence and disgust.

It is crazy to think how much has changed since then… (to be continued)


Read Dee’s post here | Read my other post here

Well, another post by me 😀 😀

After a very long discussion with ATM, we have concluded the following:

  • The old (2008-2009 through maybe 2010-2011) are what are current (2014) major armies are.
  • People actually freaking track the September Drop (I wasn’t even aware of it before this year xD)
  • CPUN has no use because of previous reason.
  • We really freaking miss the PSA.
  • We really don’t like the new EPF (The EPF when it was like the special forces of the PSA was beast though!)
  • Hunting for Rockhopper & Aunt Artic & Cadence in the night dance club

RIP MAY 2006 – NOVEMBER 14TH, 2013

  • That whenever Dee comes back, everybody be like “DEE WE WANNA HELP U BRING CPUN BCK” but when Dee goes MIA again, everybody ditches. (Gosh Dee, you’re such a bandwagon :P)
  • CP has too many freaking rooms.
  • We used to cry when the servers were too full and we couldn’t play Card Jitsu (cmon who else remembers this)
  • We spent DAYS getting our blackbelt
  • “if this guy needs one more water, then ill use ice – no wait thats too obvious, ill use ice because he’ll use water to take out my fire, but then that’s too obvious so i’ll use fire because he’s gonna use ice.” We had it down to a mother freaking art, I’m telling you.
  • The new element Jitsus are way too complicated and we miss old Card Jitsu.
  • Back when the Ninja Hideout was actually worth something (now you can come and go freely in the ninja hideout ~ wait, do they even have one anymore?)
  • back when club penguin was actually fun
  • going “wtf” when a party went away cus we thought CP was always like that

CPUN in 2014

Howdy people!

I decided I might as well make a post as well, since Dee did.

CPUN could potentially come back, however, I wish to speak to Dee before we make any decisions. And even if we did, we wouldn’t be opening for awhile or accepting any new people into CPUN for quite some time.

Dee- Follow the one with the name Marcus, with the unicorn picture.  Thanks.

Mr Deedledoo

Some years ago, without a word I disappeared from the face of the CPA World. I left everyone who I was working with at the site stranded and lost. I must have hinted at those people however, that I was open to new leadership. So I was happy to see life go on in the site, led by those lucky enough to have been entrusted the power to do so before my disappearance, but I dreaded coming back here. I knew I left without notice and left many people, friends, confused and deserted. Things were just going really fast in my personal life and I couldn’t slow anything down – when days since I left turned to months, I just knew there was no turning back. Things were going bad for me at that time and I was spending time chasing things, yet all the while I lost hold of things. I’m sorry if I deserted you. I really loved all the good people here, but all I could do was hope that they did not feel abandoned.

Some time ago, I formulated an plan – that will remain undisclosed – with Wyoskyguy to bring back the CPUN, trying to make use of what was left from its ruins. I told him that I would support him and we would follow the plan closely together. But this plan too was never carried out. I promise you that I will make it up to you one day Sky. I will. And I’m sorry to those people I initiated with during those times – before I disappeared again.

Now I have returned with this short letter. Time and motivation is in my hands and I am happy to have written this much. In the back of my head, I know I will be writing a much longer one in the future to explain things clearer and to apologize to those I have hurt due to my absence. Until that time however, I will probably not have done enough to earn forgiveness from you, and from myself. All I can say is, there are new developments. Old plans going into motion again, testing itself and feeling itself around. It is a rather simple one, yet it holds the very solution to the long-term existence of the CPUN and all that it has and should ever stand for. With or without my consistent support, due the nature of the plan itself it will take some time to get done, and maybe a little luck.

There is my post. Most of what has been in my head for the past years is in it – things I’ve wanted to say, especially that I’m sorry. Of course, things will only be forgiven if I could carry out the plan that I can only hope will liberate us all.



Updated Version of the Board

Howdy CPUN.

Upper Administration

Listed below are the names of the positions in order of authority level in the CPUN’s administration:

  • Secretary General: Wyoskyguy
  • Prime Minister: Pungy1234
  • Minister of Defense: Dan
    • Undersecretary to the Minister of Defense: Orange
    • CPUN Army High Command: Ninjadude800
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs: Donut
    • Ambassadors and Diplomats of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Under Donut)
      • Ambassador: Fido
      • Consulate General: TBD
      • Consuls: TBD
  • Minister of Communcations: TBD
    • Ambassadors and Diplomats of the Ministry of Communications (Under TBD)
      • Ambassador: TBD
      • CPAF Representative: TBD
      • SMAC Representative: TBD
      • CPAC Representative: TBD
  • Consultants: CassiusBrutus, Mr Deedledoo


This is an ongoing post and is not complete.

This post includes how tournaments will be graded, defining what the CPUN will be, and what General Assemblies are. However, this post is no where near completion and all articles discussed are available for discussion.

Continue reading

The Rebuilding Era

Curious how to join the Club Penguin United Nations? Click here!

Hello CPUN! It has been a long time, but I think that it’s time – It’s time for the Club Penguin United Nations to return. This time, I want to model the CPUN after the real United Nations. There was a couple tough questions ACP Embassador 1 (I’m unsure of his, for lack of a better word, “normal” name is).

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2013 in review

As part of the United Nations tradition, I will post this.

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 5,300 times in 2013. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 4 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.